Sonco Via
Path of the Heart
Sacred Travel

As the energies of the Earth accelerate and the old paradigms collapse, many of us are being drawn by a strong heart and deep soul calling to reconnect and activate the hidden mysteries of the Earth/Star traditions. Why? Because much of this ancient wisdom was anchored here by us, many life times ago. We are now ready to remember, and the corridors have been opened for us to recalibrate our indigenous self with our Star Essence and Unity Consciousness.
An immersion into the spirit of sacred lands and sacred sites, our travel journeys are a unique opportunity to commune with and experience the energies, the spiritual practices and ceremonies of ancient traditions. Our journeys are an opportunity to step out of your daily life and dive into the sacred journey of the soul that is connected with adventure, exploration and your spiritual alignment.
Currently our journeys are focused in the Peruvian Andes of South America and Hawaii. We take small grips to work directly with the medicine men and women of the Andes and to receive the activation of the Kundalini and Cosmic Serpent of Light that is now seated in the Andes Mountains.
Our Spiritual journeys in Hawaii focus on the reconnection with our cetacean family, the Star Elders and activation of your Lemurian Light codes and 5D consciousness of Unconditional Love and Oneness.
Whether you are called to Peru or to Hawaii, or perhaps both, you will be joined by a community of heart-centered individuals, wisdom keepers and Light Beings from the higher realms. Our journeys are full of daily ceremony, meditations, shamanic journeys, sacred site tours, energetic transmissions and Light Body Activation practices and teaches.
We look forward to traveling with you.