Chandra Sun Eagle

Shamanic Ceremonialist,
Counselor, Healer, Published Author

About Chandra

“Everything we do, experience and become is a journey, an adventure into the deeper realms of our being, the expansive world of spirit and the inner-connectivity of all life.

Through opening the heart and returning to the ancient ways of sacred living, we become the midwives and the way showers of a peaceful future for our children and future generations.”

As a natural born and innate healer and visionary, formally trained Shamanic Ceremonialist and Spiritual Counselor, I am a Guide, Teacher and a Bridge Between the Worlds for people all over the world. I draw from 25+ years of experience and lifetimes of Indigenous Wisdom Ways. Quantum Energy Medicine, the Physics of Ascension, Andean and Lemurian Alchemical Rituals, shamanic breath work, plant medicine and sound healing, are woven in a unique manner to assist you on your Soul’s journey of healing and liberation.

As the author of “Looking Back on the Future – Timeless Wisdom of the Andes as a Bridge into New Era”. One of most enjoyed ways to share these teachings is through spiritual journeys to Peru, where we dive into the heart of the Andean cosmo-vision and ceremonial way of life. Following the pathways of my Lemuria Lineage, I offer spiritual journeys to the Hawaiian Islands and Sedona, AZ, which are key lands to activating the Light encoded Star Seeds held within our DNA.

Growing up in the mountains of Colorado my connection to the animistic nature of life began at an early age. I felt the most at peace, connected to myself and one with Spirit when I was in the Wild, immersed in the power of the Elements. Nature and reconnecting people to their true nature through Nature is an essential part of my work.
Since the mid 80’s I’ve devoted my life to the healing arts, awakening consciousness and helping others transform self-limiting and dysfunctional patterns to transform their lives.

I received a B.S. degree in Exercise Physiology and went on to work as a personal trainer and health educator to both amateur and professional athletes, incorporating mind, body and spirit connection for enhanced and peak performance. Much of this knowledge is incorporated into the current work I offer.

The next phase of life led me to activate the healing energies within on a more spiritual level, and shamanic level. I immersed myself in yoga, meditation and energy medicine. I studied Thai Yoga Massage and Pranic Healing with master healers in Thailand, received top level certifications in Polarity Therapy, Cranio Sacral Unwinding Sound Healing. At the same time a shamanic awakening was taking place that shook me to core, bringing with it an undeniable calling to Vision Quest and until what I consider to be the ultimate awakening of my soul’s calling, began to unfold through Dreams and spirit visitations in the night, reminding me of a time once passed, where I lived the indigenous way and healed others with herbal medicine.


In pursuit of realizing my dreams I followed the signs and synchronicity of life…

In 2003 my initiations in Andean Mysticism and shamanic healing commenced with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. and Q’ero of the Andes. I continued my training in the Andes with Jose Luis Herrera, Don Victor Estrada, Jesus Castenada and Tito La Rosa, all renowned healers. At the same time my Native American roots called me to work with Indigenous peoples of North American, vision questing and training in traditional ceremonial ways. In 2005 the Amazon called and I began working with the plant teachers and healers of the jungle.

Living on the island of Kauai, HI during the following 11 years allowed me to grow and cultivate a deeper relationship to these plant teachers/healers, while developing my sound healing and ceremonial gifts as well as learning traditional Hawaiian healing techniques. I’ve been leading Master Plant Ceremonies since 2009. My relationship to these Teachers, Healers and Guides spans many lifetimes, which provides for a seamless and expansive presence for all ceremonies. Sacred Space, dimensional travel and Ceremony is my Natural Habitat.

You will be held in the most impeccable and safe environment. I am forever grateful to all my teachers and experiences and for the opportunity to keep the ancestral and indigenous ways alive.